Thursday, July 23, 2009

magic bagel and something else

rush hour is part of my summer life ever since i started my internship. am NOT complaining in fact am getting numb about it.

my body started to complain after 5 days of waking up early and commuting so i gave up my cereals ritual in exchange for 20 more minutes in bed and ended up re-united with glorious take outs.

yamazaki, 7-11, family mart, moss burger and magical bagel are my sources of energy it depending on what am i craving for on that specific morning.

so this morning i went for bagel.

anyway... i thought it will be usual morning but it turned out to be different... WAY DIFFERENT.

i ordered the usual- bacon and egg and a latte. while waiting for my take-out a guy(not taiwanese) ordered the same thing (not that i care or something) and smiled at me. i was in good mood that moment so i smiled back... after a long pause he approached me and started a conversation. it's the usual flow of conversation nothing special... yet!

my bagel was calling me so the conversation was cut short. i was smilin' when the lady handed me my breakfast i mean who wouldn't smile with bagel and coffee for breakfast.. who? who? who?

i turned to mr. b and said " gotta go, time to work" and smiled...

... he smiled back and said "KEEP SMILIN, YOU HAVE A PRETTY SMILE"

i can feel my cheeks turned so i made a half baked smile and turn away.

didn''t want him to see that my face turned red so i didn't look back.

anyhooo ... i actually enjoyed my breakfast in a different way.

oh well.. sometimes rush hour can be annoying but this morning's rush hour is something else... a sweeeeeeeeet something else.

P.S: to mr. b, thanks for the compliment
i hope you enjoyed your bagel in as much i enjoyed mine.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

am not adventurous

i can't wait for dior and the girls to be here.. and yes, we're working on our things to do and places to go list any chance we get. and so i did ask if she wants to try stinky tofu.

crisci: are you willing to try stinky tofu?
dior: nope
dior: hahahaha!
dior: am not adventurous

i don't blame her for not wanting to try it, i myself haven't tried it. why? i guess my tummy doesn't have any room for it... YET! but i have to admit am getting use to the distinct smell so i guess i'm almost ready to try it.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

burger anyone???

AN Burger

do i need to say more?

i have a pretty huge appetite for burger so i guess you know what happened...

and yes, two cups of hot green tea helped my ballooned tummy to get back its normal state.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

taipei international food festival


in as much i would want to tell you what happned and what we ate BUT my mom thought me not to talk when my mouth is i just posted the pictures... hehehehe